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Tools I've prepared to make it easier to run my business


Tools to help you run your business

A set of tools that I have created or use on a daily basis in working on consulting projects for my clients. The tools are only available to people who have purchased my book Stable & Predictable Business.

Marketing strategy


A template with prompts, created in Google Docs, where in one place you will be able to write out a marketing and sales strategy for your business, set goals and prepare a detailed action plan.

Developing a product-market fit


Created by Strategyzer, as part of the Business Model Canvas. Allows you to identify the features of your product that are important to your customers. Be sure to do this before starting your marketing activities.

Building a business model


With this tool, you describe all the most relevant areas of your business on a single sheet of paper. It uses the Business Model Canvas created by Strategyzer and is part of strategy building.

Business financial model


A spreadsheet created in Google Spreadsheet that allows you to create a financial model for your business. Find out what most affects the financial performance of your business.

Building a marketing funnel


A proprietary set of elements created at Miro that allows you to design any marketing and sales funnel. Works in conjunction with the asset management worksheet.

Funnel asset management


If you have designed your funnel, the next step is to prepare the individual elements / assets. This worksheet will help you get the preparation process under control.

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